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Léna Desmettre

Atelier Traviole

70190, Recologne-lès-Rioz, France

N° SIRET : 90104538500035

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General Terms and Conditions of Sale

Article 1 - Parties and object of the contract

    In this document (GTC), the term “client” refers to any person or company using the services of Léna Desmettre, also known by the trade name “Atelier Traviole”, in her capacity as Author, Illustrator, or Graphic Designer. The term “third party” refers to any external person, not party to the contract. The purpose of this contract is to inform the potential client of the practices recommended by the author. When signing a contract or quote with the author, the client certifies that he/she has read and accepted the conditions listed below, as well as the laws and regulations governing advertising communication and the Intellectual Property Code. The author may modify these terms and conditions without notice.

Article 2 - Contractual relations

    No discussion by instant messaging, telephone, videoconference, email or telephone is considered as a commitment, only, these discussions can be used to establish a quote afterwards. All requests for work must be submitted by the client to the author by email, post or hand delivery. Obligations arise from the dated signature of the documents (order form, estimate or invoice).

Article 3 - Payment

    An invoice or quotation issued by the author will show the amount inclusive of all taxes, VAT not being applicable according to article 293B of the CGI. The author is paid in Euro. Depending on the service, this amount can be calculated according to an hourly rate and/or a fixed price scale. For a total amount of less than 150€, the amount must be paid in full upon signature of the invoice. For a total amount of more than 150€, the payment of the total amount can be spread out, on request of the customer. The client will then have to pay 20 to 50% of the amount due at the signature of the invoice, according to what will have been defined during the negotiation. The author will not start the creation until she receives the signed documents and the first payment. In the event that the payment deadline indicated on the invoice is not respected, penalties will be claimed by the author, the amount of which will correspond to at least one and a half times the legal interest rate applied to the sum due (law of 31/12/92 n°92-1442 art.3.1 al.3).

Article 4 - Sending of documents

    The client undertakes to send the author all the files necessary for the creation (texts, fonts, references, inspirations, images…), if possible before the start of the production. A discussion by messenger, email, video-conference, phone call, or in person, may be required to launch the creative process, after the documents have been signed. The client agrees to provide texts in electronic format and typed without spelling mistakes. The images supplied by the client must be of sufficient size and resolution, particularly if the service requires printing.

Article 5 - Modification

    All requests for modification of the initial order will be the subject of an email exchange in order to define whether the drafting of an additional estimate is necessary. When drawing up the initial quote, the author and the client will agree on a number of possible modifications. The author has the right to decide whether the requested changes, alterations or reworkings exceed the original amount. Requests for changes and the processing of these requests will increase the announced production time. If the change request significantly increases the production time, requires a net change to the proposed designs, or requires a drastic change at the end of production, the author may propose to charge for the changes by the hour.

General terms and conditions of sale GTC-En, from 12-2021 to today